Faith Formation

The parish Family Faith Formation team assists parish families in the development of the faith life of their children.

Parish Faith Formation …

This is for families whose children attend schools other than Catholic. It happens on the first and third Sundays of each month. Families attend the 9am Mass at St. Augustine's as a group and then go to the Parish Family Centre for further formation in the Catholic faith for one hour. Refreshments in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits are available during this time. The Faith Formation Program normally runs for a year of formation for the child.

Sacrament preparation and celebration …

When the child is ready to continue the journey to full initiation into the church, (which began when they were presented for Baptism) they may be enrolled into the one year journey in the Sacraments Program. (schools’ website) During this year, with the help of their parents and the support of the team, the children will be prepared to celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion.

Children's Liturgy of The Word…

Offered at every English speaking Mass in our parish. During The Liturgy of the Word, children have the opportunity to hear the gospel of the day from the Children's Lectionary and to break open The Word in a language more suited to their understanding. This is a great way for children to begin developing their own relationship with Jesus.

We wish to highlight that the support and involvement of parents are crucial for the children to grow and benefit much from these formation programmes.

For more information on the above programs, please contact:

Joan Young0419 485 090 Faith Formation
Louise Svensdotter or Diane Innes(08) 8281 9603Sacrament Program
Louise Stevens0438 828 960 Children’s Liturgy of the Word